The Manifesto 24#
Here’s what I’m thinking about this week. Stop waiting for the stars to align.
Stop waiting for tomorrow, for when you are ready, for kids to grow up, when you have enough money, you are more confident or when the time feels right. Do the thing now, whatever that may be. Just do it. Start from this moment and move a tiny step forward. And then another. I’m not saying leap without a net, but be bold and trust yourself . Take a risk, especially little ones. They add up.
Risk, uncertainty and emotional exposure is the definition of vulnerability. “why in the heck would we want any of that?’ I hear you ask? Because according to Brene Brown, vulnerability is also the birthplace of love, belonging and creativity.
So what are you waiting for?
The right time is now!
Kareena. x

Kareena Hodgson was a full-time professional international circus performer for 20 years, who is now an accredited Counsellor/life coach and The Manifesto is her professional consultancy. She is uniquely suited to working in the mental health space within the performing arts. She is also the Senior Editor, Executive Coach & Moral Backbone of Carnival Cinema.
We acknowledge the people of the Bundjalung Nation, traditional custodians of the land on which this Magazine originates and pay our respects to their elders past, present and future.
The way we do things around here is that regardless of Age, Gender, Sexuality, Ethnicity our philosophy and our logo stands for inclusion, safety, connection and family.
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