The Manifesto The Manifesto 28# – Kareena Hodgson written by Carnival Cinema Fixed thinking is getting in your way. Some people believe that their qualities, personalities, talents and traits are fixed. That they were born a certain way and cannot ever be any different. “I’m just super scatty, I can’t focus, that’s just who I am” or “I can’t promote myself, I can talk about others but I’m not good at selling myself. It’s just my personality”. This is called a fixed mindset. I come across it in many of my clients. It holds them back from making positive changes and keeps them firmly in their comfort zone because discomfort is a reminder of their so-called limitations. A fixed mindset can prevent our development and growth in all areas of our life. Alternatively, we can have a growth mindset. A belief that our abilities, traits and talents can develop with effort, learning and persistence. People with a growth mindset believe that our basic abilities is a place to start and build on to reach our full potential. They are not afraid to go into discomfort because they know that’s where the growth is. I think that we can choose our mindset. This is because mine is not fixed and I really believe that the first step in having a growth mindset is recognising that you have a choice. Kareena x. Kareena Hodgson is an accredited Counsellor and The Manifesto is her professional consultancy Follow me on instagram @themanifesto_counsellor Pic: Aaron Walker Kareena Hodgson was a full-time professional international circus performer for 20 years, who is now an accredited Counsellor and The Manifesto is her professional consultancy. She is uniquely suited to working in the mental health space within the performing arts. She is also the Senior Editor, Executive Coach & Moral Backbone of Carnival Cinema. ——————————————————————————————————————————— We acknowledge the people of the Bundjalung Nation, traditional custodians of the land on which this Magazine originates and pay our respects to their elders past, present and future.The way we do things around here is that regardless of Age, Gender, Sexuality, Ethnicity our philosophy and our logo stands for inclusion, safety, connection and family. *If you’ve enjoyed this post (and this magazine) and you would like to help strengthen positive culture and connect communities you can support us by becoming a Carnival Cinema Member Via our Patreon account for as little US$1 each month. The Manifesto 28# – Kareena Hodgson was last modified: August 30th, 2019 by Carnival Cinema July 9, 2019 0 comment 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
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