Featured ArtistsPhotography Club Swizzle X Carnival Cinema at the Roundhouse London written by Hamish McCormick Club Swizzle X Carnival Cinema As those on our newsletter mailing list will know, I have been ‘Show minding’ Club Swizzle (From Creative Producer Brett Haylock – La Soiree and The Brunswick Picture House) at the iconic London Roundhouse in Camden for the past three weeks. In between everything else I’ve managed to get the camera out here and there. So here’s an eclectic mix of rehearsal, Backstage & Onstage photo’s for your viewing pleasure, featuring the awesome cast and crew: Reuben Kaye, Laurie Hagen, Yammel Rodriguez, Dandy Wellington, Ben Lewis, Joren Dawson, Will Underwood, William Meager, Kai Hou, Michael Lira, Sue Simpson, Jim Dunlop, Svetlana Bunic, Guy Kable and the reason things run so smoothly (also the person who makes my job so much easier) our legend Stage Manager Anna Pidgeon. Continue Reading Club Swizzle X Carnival Cinema at the Roundhouse London was last modified: August 17th, 2018 by Hamish McCormick August 17, 2018 1 comment 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
Interviews & ArticlesMakers & Creators Hideaway Circus Podcast (Brooklyn NY) by Hamish McCormick August 17, 2018 Hideaway Circus Hideaway Circus is a production company run by creative producers and husband and wife, Josh and Lyndsay Aviner based in Brooklyn, New York. They produce live shows and also the host Hideaway… 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
The Manifesto The Manifesto 6# – Kareena Hodgson by Carnival Cinema August 17, 2018 The Manifesto 6# Shit happens, but shift happens, too. If you can shift your attitude in this moment, you can shift your attitude in any moment. You leave the house in… 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
Photography Pic of the Week: Hot Brown Honey by Hamish McCormick August 13, 2018 This Pic of The Week is of the fierce legends from Hot Brown Honey taken at the Fringe World Festival, Perth 2018. If they ever come to a stage near you and you haven’t… 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
Featured ArtistsInterviews & Articles Where do Women exist? By Simone O’Brien by Hamish McCormick August 3, 2018 Where do Women exist? By roving reporter and guest writer Simone O’Brien It is 12.38am in downtown Montreal in Andrew’s Bar and the bartender is dutifully stoned and charmingly ignoring the… 2 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
The Manifesto The Manifesto 5# – Kareena Hodgson by Hamish McCormick August 3, 2018 The Manifesto 5# Uncertainty I’ve never been a fan. What about you? For some of us it’s kind of like our kryptonite. (while others I know have trouble keeping any certainty… 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
The Manifesto The Manifesto 4# – Kareena Hodgson by Hamish McCormick July 20, 2018 The Manifesto 4# Hurting others in an attempt to ease your own hurt doesn’t work. It’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. We don’t always get the… 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
The Manifesto The Manifesto 3# – Kareena Hodgson by Hamish McCormick July 8, 2018 The Manifesto 3# All humans are creative. Some just lean into their creativity more than others. As artists/designers /makers/performers most of you reading this exist in this world as creatives. It’s… 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
FilmsMusic & Cabaret Pick of The Net: Mojo Juju – Native Tongue by Hamish McCormick July 7, 2018 This ‘Pick of The Net’ is the official video for powerhouse Mojo Juju‘s latest track Native Tongue. An awesome and powerful song and video, ripe and poignant at this time in contemporary… 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
On the Way of The Showman On the Way of the Showman: Terms and Conditions by Hamish McCormick June 28, 2018 A new Carnival Cinema column of showbiz life musings by Captain Frodo – On the Way of the Showman: ‘Terms and Conditions’ by Captain Frodo When I became a Showman I clicked… 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest